Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Life is whatever we make of it, right? So I suppose that's why my life is a nice boiling hot crock pot of hog testicles. Which is to say things aren't so great. I've screwed up before, but this takes the cake and turns it upside down, lays it on the sidewalk, and waits for some emo kid to skateboard right over it. I don't know how to love. I don't have the balls to take a chance and "step out of my comfort zone" and get a new job. I haven't completed a diet in maybe a year, meaning I look like the Pillsbury Doughboy if he were twice as doughy and half as good looking. Man, whatever happened to the strapping young guy who was at least content with his place in the world? Time, that's what. Time happened. Now it's "time" for a change. I'm giving myself thirty days to make something happen. Will that be enough? That's the goal, and that's my new "storyline" for this webcomic. Real life, baby. Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Nick said...

Hope things work out for ya, Jack.

Mmmm...hog testicles...