Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Black Is The New Black.

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I like to wear black. So what?

Monday, October 29, 2007

First Drink.

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This happened about seven years ago. It's funny to see someone who has never had a drink think he can handle an entire bottle of Peppermint Schnapps. And handle it, he didn't.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Man's Best Friend.

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Let's not misconstrue this. The best friend I'm talking about is the alcohol, not Jennifer bringing me the alcohol. With that said, I likes me booze. A little too much.

Split Personality.

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I can be this way sometimes. Scary, ain't it?

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Fight Night.

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Fight Night Round 3 on Xbox Live. We're both addicted to it and play every single day. Even when it pisses us off. Damn cheaters.

Search Engines.

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Never tell a woman with hormonal issues to Google.

Scientific Research.

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....Not much to add here. Heh.

Anatomy of a Relationship.

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Sometimes I just need some time alone. I'm pretty sure I look like a horses ass when I'm trying to explain it to her too.

Smothered chicken.

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I think we've all felt like this at one point or another. But it usually passes. Or we are afraid to say anything.


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Things got a little eenteresting at Chris's that night. He attempted some drunken moves on Jennifer, even trying to kiss her. I guess alcohol is stronger than a friendship since we were kids. Dumbass.

Girls Night Out 3.

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Ysee, I used to live with Chris, in his house a few miles away. He kicked me out a year later. Jennifer would come over and we would hang out. Chris got into steroids at some point, trying to not look like Pee Wee Herman.

Girls Night Out 2.

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Aaand the fun begins. She and her friends met Chris at a bar called Sluggers. I do believe he had already had a drink or two in em. That probably explains why he was wearing a Biggie shirt. Some people.

Girls Night Out.

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My girlfriend Jennifer decided to help out a "friend" of mine I used to live with by trying to set him up with a chick. Turns out she didn't know the girl was already taken, but she wanted to take him with her and her coworkers to a bar in town anyway to see what would happen. Watch. Learn.